We recently ended a long standing relationship with a vendor. On the surface, at least, they did good work. But for some time there was growing discontent within with this relationship.

For our leadership team, it all comes down to honesty, clear communication, and living up to promises. But it’s more than this. Is the other party GENUINE in their relationship with you. Do they have you BEST INTERESTS in mind.

In business, it goes without saying that profit is important. Profits allow us to grow and invest in the future. There is a problem though when profits are put ahead of our customers best interests. Even if only a little. Doing this is a form of dishonesty in the relationship.

Being Genuine in life and in business usually leads to confidence in the relationships. If the relationship is mutually beneficial then it will also last.

At LGI we value genuine relationships within our team, with our customers and our suppliers, and we won’t have it any other way.